Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flonasing Through Life

Update to the previous post- I booked BOTH jobs that I auditioned for last Tuesday! woot woot! The other is a fun web series about a bunch of 20 somethings trying to live their dreams in NYC. I play the girl that sleeps her way to the top (and before the question even pops into your head- no I am nothing like her in that regard!) I haven't done a webseries yet and am excited to be part of the current movement in the entertainment industry as everyone moves toward TV on the web.

In other news . . . I went to the allergist today and got 20 shots in my arm. No, I'm not talking about the little pricks you get when they do regular testing. That was a summer's breeze compared to this. No, in this testing, they give you a shot in the arm and then DO IT AGAIN NINETEEN MORE TIMES. My entire arm is a bloody swollen mess right now. Ok, ok there's not too much blood, but it's more than I'd like to see.

And here's the kicker- ready for it? I'm highly allergic to my babies. (For those of you who aren't normal blog readers, no I am not referring to miniature humans, I am talking about my kittens). My little sweet peas that snuggle with me every night and burrow their faces in my neck. Those snuggly little (well not so little in Jimmy's case- he's a whopping 10 lbs and only 7 mo. old) furballs are what has been causing my sneezing and watery eyes and all that other fun stuff that comes with allergies.

No, I will not be parting with them. I will however be getting an air filter and using flonase everyday. We can't have my nose running all over the place as I lay draped over producers in my upcoming role. Or as I am telling someone that they're dead and soulless . . . well a little nose flem might not be too bad for that one.

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