Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Three Can Have a Secret if Two of Them are Dead

Human behavior fascinates me. Take liars for example. Now, I'm not talking about people who say little white lies in order to spare someone else's feelings. I think we've all done that at least once in our lives. No, I'm talking about people who flat out weave and spin stories so much that there is no longer an ounce of truth from the original event.

What I don't understand about these people though, is aren't they afraid of how they're going to look when the truth does comes out? Isn't that kinda where the phrase, "take it with a grain of salt," comes from? I mean, some lies can be so grandiose that I'm surprised anyone believes them in the first place. Then again, you're talking to one of the most gullible people in the world (no really, ask my brothers and dad- they sure had a hell of a good time pulling pranks on me when I was a kid ;) ), so I can't blame people for believing things too easily. Liars are like blogs on the internet. You just never know when to believe if what they're saying in credible.

This whole thing has got me thinking though. Why is it that people lie? My theory: Self preservation. When people distort the truth to others, it's to try to convince themselves that it is indeed the truth to protect themselves from something. Hurt, frustration, blame, all of that. Which is why I feel sorry for those people who can't face the truth.

Then again, I'm an actress who puts on costumes and plays make-believe, so who am I to really talk? In other news, I'm happily cozied up in my apartment excitedly waiting for the big storm we're about to have. I CAN'T WAIT TO GO SLEDDING. Whatever, I don't care if I'm a little kid. I'll always love snow.

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