Monday, September 5, 2011

Just Another Monday in the Life of E

I woke up in a great mood at 8am this morning. I'm not sure if anyone can understand how monumental this is. A: because I haven't woken up before 10 in . . . wow, I don't even know. It's been awhile. B: Because I am not a morning person and pretty much want to punch cute furry things in the face every time I wake up. So I am happy to report that today is different. Perhaps it's the change in season. God knows it wasn't any kind of amazing weekend. I haven't had such an isolating weekend in ages. The friends and the boy were all busy working or playing with others. I worked for a few hours both days (Ok, ok, I can't say it was that boring. I did get to host a beautiful wine tasting in the backyard of a Williamsburg wine store AND I got to host a wine tasting on a boat). But I was lonely. I know, I know, go cry about it. Everyone gets lonely. But the roommates been gone for a week and with M in Austin and everyone else being busy bees, well I've had to make fun for myself. Normally, this would lead me to bars and books, and random encounters making new friends. But to be honest, I haven't really felt like drinking lately and I'm a bit sick of the same scene all the time.

So, left to my own devices, I got some studying done and starting playing the piano again. I recently brought a keyboard back to the city from my hometown and though it's not anything like having a real piano, it's better than nothing. But incredibly frustrating. Because I used to be good and now I can barely remember songs I used to rock out to at recitals. But it all takes practice. It's the same with my singing. I tell everyone about how I used to be good and then get a faraway gleam in my eye implying that I miss it more than anything in the world. Well suck it up E! Yeah, it's gonna suck for awhile and be frustrating as hell in the beginning because you know you're not playing up to your true potential, but practice makes perfect. And as the band teacher of my highschool always said, "Perfect practice makes perfect." So all I can do is keep on at it.

On a more serious note, (and I can't believe this is the THIRD time I've had to bring this up in my blog) I do not understand why so many people misuse the internet. There is a such thing as being socially responsible both with yourself and with others. Now I don't necessarily fall into the first category. I am known to occasionally over-share in this venue after all. But I over-share about MYSELF. I choose to tell or vent only about me. I would never ever tell a friend's secrets on a blog. Opinions? Fine. I totally gotcha. Use me as an example? Go ahead. But posting details and one particular secret that no one else knows? Too far, my friend. Too far. And don't give me the excuse that no one reads your blog. Get a statistic counter and you'd be surprised. I have people from all around the world reading this thing. And if it's your diary? Then make the entries private.

Anyway, I'm not about to get into some kind of blog war. I'm not mad at anyone, just disappointed in the misuse that society continues to perpetuate on this venue. I remember the days when the worst thing you could do was gossip on the phone. Now with the internet, we have kids committing suicide because of online bullying, friendships being torn apart (oh yes, I've seen it happen), and worst of all finding out a loved one has passed away via the internet. Just use your brain people. Think, "could this possibly hurt someone other than myself?" If the answer is yes, then perhaps you should rethink posting. And if you have to get it out? THEN MAKE THAT SHIT PRIVATE.

Had to get that out. I think I'll watch the morning news now (people do that at this hour right?) and then get ready to go work on a boat. I haven't been trained on how to open yet and I'm going to be the only one there so this should be interesting. I'm sure I'll get through it. And then I suppose I'll come home and play the keyboard some more before making it another early night. Guess I'm growing up after all.

Peace and Love,


PS- Speaking about being socially irresponsible, the news is the worst culprit of all. But I could write an essay on that so its just going to have to wait for another day :)

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