Friday, November 20, 2009

My Love Letter to Tina Fey

Just got a call to do stand in work tomorrow on 30 Rock for Jane Krokowski and the other blonde. I usually tend to shy around any kind of extra or stand in work because it just depresses me but I said yes without hesitation to this because I think 30 Rock may just be the best thing since sliced bread. And I love Kenneth. And as a stand in, sometimes you get to say the characters lines during rehearsal. Don't get me wrong, no one can play Jenna Maroney better than Jane Krokowski, but I'm not above dreaming of brilliantly saying a line like no other actor ever has and them saying, "Oh my goodness, we have to create a contract role for her! She's incredible! We should bow to her and her amazingness! Tina! Tina, get over here and write her in the show!"

Hey, a girl's gotta dream. But in all seriousness I will just be honored to be on a set of a show that Tina Fey created. She's kinda an idol to me. A far away mentor if you will. I don't think there is another single show on TV that I feel that way about. I LOVE YOU TINA! I LOOOOVE YOU!!!!

Maybe I should keep that last part to myself.

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