Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh Improv

Today is one of the few days that I am actually glad my part time job requires me to use very few brain cells. I am so tired that I keep staring at my computer screen completely zoned out. I blame my busy life and snoring bf for keeping me up. And all the people in my building that can’t seem to walk up/down the stairs without stomping the sh*t out of them.

Anywoo, yesterday I had my first improv class in the city. Improv is something that I’ve always steered clear of in my acting life because . . . well I suck at it. The cat’s got my tongue and it’s not giving it back. Ok, maybe I don’t suck at it, but I’m not the best in the class and I hate not being the best. At the risk of sounding egotistical, I have been at the top of my class throughout my whole life in everything. Well, except spelling. And handwriting. And now improv. Oh and sports too. I’m no good at sports. I recently did a film where I had a jogging scene and when they replayed it back for me, it was atrocious. I looked like I was high-kicking the sky.

So last night I couldn’t sleep once again. The few dreams I had were plagued with the cop I yelled at yesterday (I got very New York on him and now feel a bit bad because he was actually a very nice cop) and fears of my final improv show in 4 weeks. I wish I could go back on ambien, but it gives me these wonderful hallucinations that apparently aren’t very good for you. Oh well. They can always photoshop the bags out from under my eyes at the photo shoot I have this afternoon. Ok my loves, I must get back to staring blankly at my computer. XX


  1. Fascinating, My Dear. Why do you feel as if you weren't the best though? It's all subjective. What makes (or doesn't make) you the best? Does YOUR opinion determine that? Does the teacher's? Does the majority of the class? Or is it the person who actually believes they were the best??? I mean, who do you feel was the best? Just pondering...

  2. You bring up some very interesting points. Yes, it definitely is subjective. I think that I feel I didn't do MY best. I don't need to be the best in the class, I just need to feel happy with my own performance. Thanks for reading!

  3. Makes sense! Well, at least you have time to improve your improv. :-) Oh, and thanks for writing!!!
