Kissing scenes are always a little bit awkward. Especially if you know the person you’re kissing. In film, it’s always easier because you usually do the kissing scenes on the first day of shooting since it takes away the pressure. But theatre is quite different. Especially because you have to rehearse it. Over and over again. While your entire cast is watching. It’s just not fun.
On Saturday we had our entire cast, the writer, and some of the crew in the room when my kissing scene came up. And the kiss between my co-star and I was dissected into pieces.
Director: Ok, this time, I want you to kiss her on both cheeks first and then on the mouth.
Director: Hmm, not really like that. It’s more like you’re kissing her tears.
Director: Ok, this time, when you get to the real kiss, it starts like a peck of friendship and then grows into something more.
Director: The cheek thing is more like this . . .
and my director went in for it (on the cheek). By this time everyone is laughing and thanking their lucky stars they’re not me. I laughed and shouted, “Anyone else want a try?” Then we did it once more and I just couldn't keep quiet any longer:
ME: Hey, I’m sorry if this sounds weird, but you’re going to the left. Can you go to the right instead?
CO-STAR: What?
ME: You know, when we kiss, you’re going to the left, but it’s a bit awkward for me because I always go to the right when I kiss.
DIRECTOR: You always go to the right?
ME: Well yeah! Don’t most people?
DIRECTOR: No, I like to switch it up a bit.
CO-STAR: Yeah, me too. I like to start on the left and then go to the right.
ME: Really? I thought most people went to the right! I always go to the right and I hate it when people switch to the left! Am I the only one here? (I glance at the cast and crew and see one woman nodding in agreement with me.) See, she goes to the right too!
DIRECTOR: I think maybe you need to try new things. You should try it to the left- maybe you’ll like it.
ME: No! I don’t like the left! I LIKE THE RIGHT!!!!
Then three people said at once, “This sounds like a Seinfeld episode.”
Yes, kissing scenes are most definitely awkward. It makes me always miss the comfort of the BF's lips. And I would like to take this moment to thank him for always going to the right. And for understanding that I sometimes have to kiss other people for the sake of my career. . . God acting is weird. In no other career would you ever read that sentence.