Friday, April 24, 2009

Fine, you win New York . . . for now

Fine New York. You win. For this week. Of course when I'm sick and can barely move is when I get calls for five auditions. What kind of logic is that? Then this morning, the super of our building came by because we have a leak in our ceiling and gross mold. He asked me to hold the bottom of the ladder so he could climb up into a little cubby hole and then it happened.

I looked up and before the dirty, grimy, disease infected shoe coming at my face could register, I was down on the ground bleeding. That's right folks, this actress may have a broken nose. BECAUSE THE SUPER OF THE BUILDING KICKED ME IN THE FACE. Yes, it was an accident, but after the week I've had the tears finally kicked in. Fine. You win New York. I'm off to Maryland for my bro and sister-in-law's baby shower, and am hoping some good home cooked food and southern comfort will heal me. But when I get back- IT'S ON. You may have won this week with your roaches and leaks and mold and blisters and strep and bloody noses, but I am not going down without a fight. Said in my best terminator voice, "I'll be back."

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Honey! I'm so sorry about the horrible week you've had!!! Rest up this weekend! Here's to hoping it can only get better from here!
