Friday, April 3, 2009

The 'rents

This week has proven to be very busy and eventful, but surprisingly, perhaps the most calming aspect of it was a visit from my parents. I've moved around the world by myself so many times, that I learned to put my family and best friends in a little pocket and shove them into a remote corner of my mind so I don't miss them too terribly. I think that by doing this however, I ended up missing them even more. Seeing my Mom and Dad in New York City did not feel out of place at all. It seemed like they almost belonged, which is pretty ironic since my Mom grew up on a farm. But then again, the BF grew up in the country too and he loves the city. It just felt so right to have a missing piece of me here in the city that I so love.

I hadn't realized until my parents left, how lonely NYC can be. I am so close to so many people around the world, and yet I haven't seen some of them in years. I value my independence and ability to make friends anywhere, but continuing relationships with past friends on only a keyboard and mouse just isn't as satisfying as being physically present. This is the life I chose though, and one day I hope to have the means to visit everyone whenever I like.

On another note, I had a blast filming all day yesterday and am excited to go back to set this evening. I love the entire cast and crew of my film. I did however, completely sunburn my face while waiting for my scene to be shot. Now, there will probably be two random scenes in the movie where I have a bright red face, lol. Opps! Sorry S! S, the makeup artist warned me not to get too comfy in the sun . . . maybe I should start listening to people :)

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